17 July 2012

two hundred-ninety four.

bushel of beauty.

beautiful, like a flower,
they said - you are delicate
and as sensitive as its petals,
as long as its stem and as
potent as its pollen, they said.

you are as fresh as its bloom
in springtime and as ornamental
as it is on the kitchen table or
in the palms of longing hands, they said.

however, flowers are made the same
and alike, they are more often confused
with one another - with you, there aren't
any like you, they said.

you're you.
you are you.

13 July 2012

two hundred-ninety three.

moment of devastation.

the second they become your


you lose your life - because the second

they decide that they can no longer be

a part

of your life, you lose everything -


12 July 2012

coffee beans.

next move -