dance with love in your toes.
02 September 2013
september's sunshine.
please, allow me to reintroduce myself. i'm the woman i've always desired to be, today. once was the girl tossed to and fro by the wind as it carried dust and debris and particles of lost dreams with it - now cradled gently in the arms of a Lover who saw fit to draw me closer and to make me new. and the place i've been brought to can't be compared or matched by any word or thought. any place. any. thing. and i'm free. i'm free. i'm free. walking with sunshine. breathing slow with the breeze. following the moves of dragonflies. basking in the presence of nature's harmonious tunes. speaking with the silence of the day. i'm in a place that can't be matched or compared to anything. anyone. any place. any word or thought. i've arrived to a destination that is, finally, stable and substantial. with no new roles and no new bodies. just i. just me. my smile. my body. my mind. my spirit. my thoughts. my words. my prayers. my eyes. my ears. my total being. brought to a place that can hold only my body - can hold only my breath. a place where i can release my highest praise and not be ashamed, ever. like water, i have become. fluid. easy. flowing. gentle. quenching. confident. pleasing. needed. i am like water. again. but this time, in its purest form.
i'm light. i'm moving. i'm going. i'm devoted. i'm here. i'm present. i'm aware. i'm everything i never was before. i'm living. i'm loving. i'm hoping in a hope that does not disappoint. i'm obedient. i'm trusting. i'm bubbly. i'm uplifted. i'm satisfied. i'm dangerous (to all obstacles that may come my way because i have been awakened to the Light's calling). i'm peaceful. i'm awake. i'm bearing. i'm alive. and i'm so deep in love with who i have become. easy and dancing with the breeze, like sundown. beautiful like exhaling with the moon, i'm feeling. and i am thankful that suffering has opened my eyes and has flushed out the marred perspective that had once made its home in my body. i'm new. restored. refined. redefined. this is only the beginning - september's sunshine is giving birth to a new life that loves. lives. explores. accepts. changes. and grows. i'm thankful to be a part of its products.
- smile, always
- be free
- explore and encourage
- laugh and laugh and laugh
- read and write and read and write
- capture moments digitally
- breathe in and out, relentlessly.