28 May 2010

a long walk.

i often wonder if there is a such things as walking too far ... too long ... or to forever. what if we could walk to forever? i mean, what would it look like. what would forever feel like. what would it smell like. how would forever treat us. we walk aimlessly, sometimes. our arms swinging slowly, off tempo. head hanging down, hopelessly. i watch people march along with purpose, depending on the rhythm in their feet and the speed they move with. ready to execute whatever may land before them. it's nice to observe what is around you. to pocket into memory what you may never meet again. like forever. if we met forever, will it leave us there, standing, with nothing. or will it hand to us a souvenir to remember forever, forever. i love thinking about things that don't know reality exist. it enables me to imagine what imagination would be like if it were imagining itself. if that makes any sense at all :]

take time and pay attention to what is settled, moving, flying, and dying around you ... it will paint appreciation in the depths of your heart and lock a memory deep down within that can never escape your being. one reason why i love capturing photos.

these were taken 08 APR 10.