06 June 2010

pieces at dusk.

today has been freeing . to say the least. i am coming to understand that , God is not God sometimes, He is not God when i feel like He is, and He will never be God at a scheduled hour. i know, now, what my position is and i am still learning how imperfect i am, but through Christ, i am being perfected. how i am only a spec in this world ... because He is ... my World and He is everything greater than me. i thank Him for the hours of 2 through 4 today. they were quite refreshing. :)
my mid-day snack after eating a whole grain peanut butter and jelly sandwich. very tasty. :) and i am taking each piece of this day in, one by one.

i don't know what tomorrow may bring, i don't even know if it will bring itself to me. but i do know that i can't live another day like i did yesterday, and the day before that ... and the day before that.

everyday gets bigger.