08 June 2010

walk on by.

it's crazy ... to me ... how the mere drop of a search bar in a mozilla firefox web browser can take me away, traveling back to a memory i never wanted to revisit again.

or how the mere listening of a melody brings back the poignant scent of a fragrance i once knew, personally, or in my own mind, i did. when everything was new and falling into what would be.

or how a text message from someone could spark flashbacks of old conversations we held in a make believe garage while sitting under a pine tree watching the stars glide gently across the black screen, at night.

how i told myself, i wouldn't do this anymore but i can't keep myself from doing it because this is what i do and i love doing it. reminiscing. even though it brings me back to where i never want to visit again, the memory is sweet - the fruit that was and, in essence, is still forbidden is the sweetest and is like mango. well, to us, it was a tropical punch.

i remember when i ran to the back to grab an africansunshine for someone i never saw. we named it. together. and it was extravagant.

i could stay up all night. remembering. but will that stir a thought in the mind of the missing. i'll never know.
i can't even listen to these tracks anymore.