yesterday, july 13, 2010, was the biggest, most MASSIVE day of my entire life. i know, i know, i can be really extra sometimes. but seriously. yesterday was amazing, for this reason upon many others! let me go ahead and tell you while showing you at the same time.
whether you know it or not, i'll reiterate this fact about myself. my favorite, most loved insects are dragonflies. (click the link if you don't believe me). anyhow, i was able to interact with a dragonfly yesterday for about 30 minutes straight! can you believe THAT? neither can i. but it really happened. we talked about how beautiful it was. how brittle its wings appeared to be. what it was like to fly freely with no worries, no worries at all. we talked about our families and our friends and our heartbreaks and our happy days. all in 30 minutes, yep. we did! it was majestic. i thought i'd never see the day - a dragonfly and i, just chillin'.
he told me his name was chimney - he is jimney crickets 2nd cousin.
my jaw dropped to the gravel when chimney made his arrival!
he had me quiet, talking about his life and all. you know, the daily travels of a dragonfly. deeply interesting, might i say!
this is when we were bidding each other farewell. he began to shiver and vibrate on the tips of my fingers because he didn't want me to leave him so soon. but i told him, i told him with strong assurance that we would meet again.
he told me to come back so i could take a close up of him, right then and there. said he wanted me to remember this moment forever. he knew how big my heart was for dragonflies. those that felt comfortable with me, particularly.

he posed with his brittle wings, a little while longer. i felt my heart being saturated in a new , more profound appreciation for nature. a dragonfly named chimney, so delicately fragile. not shy. quite jovial. naked. and true. an instrument of Gods creation used to flutter and dance and orchestrate its own silent symphonies on top of the swift winds. it was amazing. we spoke magic and we made magic. i wasn't on earth for a full 30 minutes. and i didn't want to come back.
he posed with his brittle wings, a little while longer. i felt my heart being saturated in a new , more profound appreciation for nature. a dragonfly named chimney, so delicately fragile. not shy. quite jovial. naked. and true. an instrument of Gods creation used to flutter and dance and orchestrate its own silent symphonies on top of the swift winds. it was amazing. we spoke magic and we made magic. i wasn't on earth for a full 30 minutes. and i didn't want to come back.
chimney is the reason why this was the biggest, most massive day of my life. because he was the smallest, most brittle gift of choice from God to me. and i was more than satisfied. :) i love you, chimney.
(shout out to my roommate for snapping these marvelous photos of chimney and i interacting. :)