02 July 2010

there's a blessing in the dirt.

if you dig deep enough. if you labor hard enough. if you wash clean enough. and if you think long enough. you will find that there is a diamond in the rough and a beautiful flower in the dirt. an enthralling pearl in a slimy clam and a chest of treasure in the sand. if only we took time to observe and reflect on the surroundings God has placed in our atmosphere. to marvel in His beautiful sculptures. His paintings. His creations. His word, most importantly. maybe when we pay closer attention to what is standing still before us, we can begin to appreciate more than we complain. i woke up today. thinking about how much i complain about. and i had to stop. and draw my attention to all the greater things God has been doing for me. that breath i took after opening my eyes this morning was not guaranteed. and i had to appreciate it. too much energy is being placed in the things that don't matter - and i've been wasting too much time on those things. it gets too old. time to move. progression may be slow - but it still is growth.