27 September 2010

dwelling on dwele.

currently. trying to figure out why it took this long to hop from one lily pad to the other when i knew the one i stayed on was too small to hold my generously built figure. i mean, it was frail and i am healthy. it was insubstantial and i am fit. i don't ponder, i just skate around the thought of what it would have been like if i completed the task sooner than now. why i let it carry on longer than it should have while i had been assigned a deadline from the beginning. although it was extended against my will, it should have been executed. i am too heavy to lay comfortably on this fragile lily pad. i like frogs. and i love the color green. i was finally given enough strength to leap far, extending my emotions from one place to another, leaving what was left behind, alone. no connection. snipped like an umbilical cord. almost, not all the way, scratching out what had been inscribed in the depths of my flesh. Blood washing out my procrastination. cleansing. pouring. overflowing. washing away. soon, it will be complete. soon it will be completely executed. then, i won't had to skate around the wonder of the what ifs. i will receive my grade and i should not be surprised. you don't get a grade. you earn it. and the funny thing about it all, i haven't felt a tear in so long - its foreign to me, thank God. but the feeling of a smile is becoming foreign also. what left do i have. the sunshine causes my eyes to squint, leaving a disgusting look on my face. that's how it feels when i look at this assignment. why did i wait so long to execute. it will be complete. soon. it will be complete.
  • no more procrastination.
  • two ears, one mouth for a reason.
  • Holy Spirit, not intuition.
  • love, let live.
  • conceive thoughts of Life.
  • pray without ceasing.
  • unzip. unravel. unfold.