22 February 2011


i want to know , where exactly did you think we were going?

20 February 2011

two hundred-ten.

painful evidence.
he's not
fully in it
the same way
that you are.

his emotions
have been shared
and spared around
a table of past, present
and future.

before he sucks you
all the way through.
he's misleading you.

17 February 2011

two hundred-nine.

flat-lined poems.

this poem is not self-sexplanatory
because it does not have a voice
to explain itself -

and it can't explain itself because it
has no body or being to explain, it's
simply just. here.

no skeletons, no bones, no flesh
to make out a figure that has shape
or breathes to stay awake, nah.

this poem is not self-explanatory
because this poem has not its own voice,
but mine -

and only at the times courage flutters
in my belly - giving opportunity for me
to breathe. life. into flat lines and words.

no vibration. no sound. no movement
without the sound of the thoughts and
inspiration and emotion that went into it.

to resuscitate it. to open it up. to make it
live. because it has never lived before -
this poem, my poems, are not self-explanatory

because they know not themselves.

14 February 2011

two hundred-eight.

landfill of care.

like a landfill of
fearful waste -
you've made me
to be that
in the
crevices of

and it has manifested.
i will no longer fill
your land with the waste
i provide - a waste filled
with care.

i'm too tired and my
bones are growing weary.
my mind is hanging over
the moon because you've moved

i understand.
my care
can't be taken care of
in your hands.

07 February 2011

two hundred-seven.

i write this, for you.

amazingly enough,
the length and
the width of
your name is able to fit
on the head of my pen.

two hundred-six.

you have enthralling eyes, you know.
you shouldn't always look to the cobble stones for attention.
and the streams that build up inside,
let your eyes give them a ride, down your cheek.
it's ok - they need to be freed.
your eyes, they're captivating, you know.

one autumn day, i felt Your hands
through the breeze of the sweet afternoon
and You rubbed against me in the most innocent
but loving way - Your word came to life:
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."
i trust You.

how loud will you scream into
the carvings of his delicate ears, lady?
until you cause a quake to erupt and separate
his brain from sweet sanity, stop!
stop howling at his mind, it is not the moon.

04 February 2011

the enough moment.

trembling position of fear - "what does it mean to reach the moment when enough is enough?"

throwing together everything that makes sense.

as much as i would like to say some things, my voice drops back down into my belly and grumbles, makes sounds, refusing to come out verbally. we avoid to touch down on the same grounds that we once touched before. and i still wonder sometimes if you'll ever come home. they say "things are better left unsaid." but how are they better if it keeps your expression behind bars that not even you would want to belong? some people are too Holy to just. be. real. i don't want to be here too much longer. not here. i can only imagine what the rest of the world looks like. and my imagination is running on loose ends. running away from me. i don't think i'm ok with that. "the enough moment" will never reach a person completely until they are affected directly and act upon that moment with change. people don't care about things unless they are affected directly. or effected. i never know which one is the proper one to use. but i'm learning a lot in my editing class this semester. i can still become a better writer. i'm just praying that my mind will open up, enough to devour what positive i am being fed. and i think it's amazing the way i've become transparent. maybe it was something i said. something i did. thank God for being God and ultimately forgiving me - no longer should i seek for the forgiveness of man. all in all, the weather has changed from comfortable to uncomfortably chilling and i'm moving and feeling like water and wind together. irresistible. i'm resting in Your will.
  • let it out!
  • understand that you will never know all.
  • understand that you will never understand all.
  • look outside of self and into the world.
  • let God be God, He needs not my help.
  • remember that Love is not easy.
  • in due time, let him now.
  • pick up your creative extensions and use them!
  • start a new project, soon.
  • breathe.

01 February 2011

two hundred-five.

nails against the crate.

to come back,
months later,
to a face you
tried to memorize -
how difficult it
was in the beginning
refreshes your memory
now, even more,
because the face has changed
and has become
more beautiful than you
would have ever known.
and you miss that you
missed that chance -
now you're trying to
start again.
the sun is still shining
when you close your
eyes to sleep,
always remember that.