17 February 2011

two hundred-nine.

flat-lined poems.

this poem is not self-sexplanatory
because it does not have a voice
to explain itself -

and it can't explain itself because it
has no body or being to explain, it's
simply just. here.

no skeletons, no bones, no flesh
to make out a figure that has shape
or breathes to stay awake, nah.

this poem is not self-explanatory
because this poem has not its own voice,
but mine -

and only at the times courage flutters
in my belly - giving opportunity for me
to breathe. life. into flat lines and words.

no vibration. no sound. no movement
without the sound of the thoughts and
inspiration and emotion that went into it.

to resuscitate it. to open it up. to make it
live. because it has never lived before -
this poem, my poems, are not self-explanatory

because they know not themselves.