weightless apologies.
what do you mean to me? or to them, i mean
how much weight do you hold when you are given
permission to leave my heart? do you lose the sin-
cerity that my heart once enveloped you with? why
hasn't change come from your release to his ears? to
his eyes? move from our mind to his heart because
apology, you're beginning to lose the respect and valid-
ity you once held, back when we didn't really know the
meaning of an apology. i suppose you're just a replica
of what nothing is , to all of us. even to yourself.
it would be best if i never read or felt or heard from you
again because you're weightless , moving at a rapid pace ,
leaving guilt and misery on many faces.
i'm tired of you using me.
i'm through with you hiding behind me. you're untrue.
not only to me , but to yourself too.
your former agent.