beauty, in an abundance.
than days passed and i see you revel
in a room of noiseless conversations
murmuring the name of you underneath
their faint breaths, they speak of your
distinctive beauty and rest in awe at your
abundance of humility, you are free.
free to remember the love you once saturated
every last thought of your mind in and every single
comma you left for the completion of each sentence,
now you are free to complete and fill in the blanks,
fill in each crevice with the fullness of your majestic
beauty, the one that fills the crowds eyes when you
glide so enchantingly into a room crowded with distant home bodies.
demanding the calloused bodies to collapse and become corpses
to be renewed and refilled and rejuvenated with the presence
of a beauty so unnatural, one that is revitalizing, the beauty that
makes you, you - my darling, my love, you are beautiful and i pray for you
more than you may ever know, more than you may understand , you
are loved in such an immeasurable way and i don't speak of your physical beauty
no, i speak of your steadfast beauty, unfailing beauty, enduring beauty.
you defy the standard definition of what beautiful has become
and you have taken it into your own hardworking hands and you have made
it delectable and personal and private and exclusive and i'm elated to know
that only my eyes are able to make out who you have evolved into,
you are a vision that cannot be remade, duplicated , your DNA is anomalous
and i can read it , your beauty is readable, i am the only one interested and
when you publish a new read, i'll be there willing to take the risk
because your beauty
is one that no one else can
make out and i love you
i love you , i love you
more than the words
i love you can speak
or read to you, in your eyes.
your beauty is boundless - thank you.