what is divorce to Jesus?
like love never existed,
they insisted to break ties
to make ties to other things
treating one another less than
human beings -
what is divorce to Jesus?
like patience rejecting salvation
and long suffering submitting to temptation
like kindness giving birth to envy and
gentleness waking up to have intercourse with resentment.
what is divorce to Jesus?
like two hands holding their own hands in
holy matrimony and spending their honeymoon
alone - with their insides caving into the brokenness
they never dealt with outside of their selfish marriage.
like the fruit of the Spirit being a lie and
in vain, Jesus Christ took up His cross to die.
now, what is divorce to Jesus?
it doesn't exist - it isn't realistic.
i kick, i spit, i slap and i hit my Spouse,
who turns to me in gentleness and wakes me up
out of my brokenness with a sweet kiss - that
changed my heart and made me new -
divorce, it doesn't exist.
there is not exit once you enter marriage.
the Cross, my ring.
the Man with the thorned crown, my Groom.
through it all, He stuck it out
even when He got stuck into, by nails
that made Him near miserable.
and you, you are a beautiful couple -
i believe you can do it too.
please, don'e give up on Love.
He didn't give up, on you.