22 March 2010



it has come.

that feeling that you feel when you feel what you feel that you haven't felt since the last time you felt that feeling that you feel when you feel a certain feeling that inspires other feelings to feel.

uh huh.
it has arrived.

you know, that feeling that you thought you lost when you lost what you thought was yours but was never yours in reality because it was like vapor in truth and in person you felt what your mind thought you could feel when you never really could feel what only your mind felt because it wasn't real.

it has happened.

i can't stop feeling that feeling today. i feel as if you physically lifted up my blinds and as they rose, i rose and my energy was at its highest high and i felt everything around me center and rise.

that everything rose.

and today, this face is painted crystal clear.
not a blemish of sadness insight or in thought or in heart.
and today, this feeling is right.

it came from Above.