07 May 2010

one hundred-ten.


distance is permitting a lack of communication
between the two because they've allowed it to.

and neither of them want to combine their senses
to redeem what had been created while they were reckless.

their eyes well up with tears of sweet agony and pain of riches.
hearts swelling cracking the cages of their ribs with disdain.

they must rearrange the way things came and came and claim
that they are no longer who they once were, who they once were.

because who they once were counts less than what matters most.
they felt a choke coming along and almost hung each other from a rope so long.

they would have dangled back and forth as a result of words that weren't spoken.
because their usual silence of words have become immeasurably potent.

but there is a Saviour.
and His name is Lord.