05 July 2010

one hundred-thirty five.

whenever, wherever, whatever.

with ever second filled with a breath that i breathed
out in the same air that you breathed in, today. you felt me.

whenever i exhaled, slowly. you inhaled, slowly the same breath
that i breathed in the same air that you breathed, yesterday.

wherever i stood and inhaled, slowly. it was therapeutic because
i felt your exhale enter me even today, the day you call tomorrow.

whatever i said into the sift of the same air we breathed, you inhaled
and each and every one of my words plus the syllables and their accents

are living within you and are directing you back to the same place we
first met because we shared the same breath and breathed our last breath

in a place we'll always call tropical, under the Son. under the sun.
whenever, wherever, whatever - we still love.