18 October 2010

silent, but kept.

it's quite amazing . how an idea can be thought of, written down, but never expounded on. its silence and its incompleteness can be kept for weeks. maybe months. as far as a year. but our mind never loses grips with an idea that was thought. our mind never relinquishes the flavor of a subject that ignites inspiration to act on. something. i can recite piece after piece in my mind without having it written down. i can scribe a title without ever expounding on it. i can snap a photo of a figure and not sketch out the peace i felt in it. but once i feel led to express - no matter how long after - i can , i will , and i did. it's quite amazing.
  • never let go of an idea.
  • do not believe it will be lost.
  • always come back to recover what was left to rest.
Life is becoming more beautiful to me as each day passes. Gods mercies are new, like the dew atop the blades of grass, each and every day. that's something to smile about.