04 October 2010

we take for granted.

i wake up to a sound mind each and everyday. to ears that are able to hear. to a mouth that is immutable. to eyes that can see further and more clear than many. to eyes that can see. to a mouth that can speak. to ears that can listen. to hands that are mobile. to hands that can hold. to legs that are intact. to legs that can walk. to a mind that can think straight. all by the grace of God.

i can read. i am literate. i am able to articulate. i am in school. i have excelled to higher education. i am able to pick up a book and read it. i can sit inside of a classroom. i have computer access. i go to a school with a library that holds countless books. i have instructors that care. all by the grace of God.

i have a warm meal everyday. i drink clean water. i am able to eat and drink food to nourish my body. on a day to day basis. i am not starving. i am not malnourished. i am not drinking polluted water. all by the grace of God.

i sleep in a bed. in a private space. by myself. safely. with a comforter. with an additional blanket. with pillow on top of pillow on top of pillow. in comfort. protected. in a bed by myself. all by the grace of God.

i have so much to be thankful for, but i am not grateful enough to say thank you. when will contentment be the characteristic of undeserving human beings like me?

i take it all for granted - i'm completely dissatisfied. time for change. time for change.