03 July 2011

two hundred-forty six.

june's experimental exit.

i'm thinking , maybe june ,
you're just experimenting -
testing me , for no good reason.
knocking at the door , ear suctioned
to the door , ear thirsting for
a vibration , an acoustic , a sound
from a voice too familiar to the senses
in your , in its , in june's ear .
stimulation not stimulated not stemmed
from her , from me i mean because it's
vacant bhind that door and my voice ,
her voice is traveling on the tracks of a new ,
of another , in hopes to guide you nearer
in this , through this experiment you've chosen to
test me with , to test her with , you scientist.
and i don't like math , or science, she doesn't like
to use those - which is why behind the door , she
no longer waits to share with you the acoustics of
her sacred voice - leave!!!

because when you left , her hand stayed on her chest,
she didn't , i didn't want to say bye-bye. i didn't say
good bye because in truth, that's an oxymoron - you moron, you!
stop testing she.
stop testing her.
stop testing me.

i'm so happy you chose to leave.

*opens door*

welcome to my home, july.
but don't make yourself comfortable.